The first thing that you be required is the create the HaloPSA API keys.


1) Choose the configuration gear,

2 Choose HaloPSA API.

3) Now grab the URL for your Halo instance under Resource Server - copy this and have it available to put into the configuration. Only the first component until the end of the domain name is required.

4) Finally, click on the View Applications button.

Save the Resource Server to a notepad or another place for retrieval later.

Click on New on the top, right-hand side to create a new API


Follow these steps:

1) name the Application (MSP Process, in this case or something similar), 

2) Choose Authentication Method (Client ID and Secret - these will be provided to the integration step in from above)

3) Copy and Paste the Client Id  for later retrieval  onto a clipboard or other for later retrieval to put in

4) Copy and Paste the Client Secret onto a clipboard or other for later retrieval to put in

5) "Agent to log in as" should choose an Agent with admin privileges and

6) Save





Click on Permission Tab. Edit the permissions. And click on the ones identified below. Make sure the final step is the Save the permission Changes.


At this point, you are ready for onboarding with your specialist. Make sure you have your Resource Server, Client Secret and Secret ID obtained earlier. These will be required  for input  into integration page.


Once you have done the integration with you have completed the API integration with your onboarding specialist, you will have to complete the HaloPSA configuration:

Now we are going to create a Custom Tab in Halo. So go to Halo and under Configurations -> Custom Tabs, with the Entity set to "Ticket", click on "New" to create a new Custom Tab.

Enter the name of the custom tab to something like: "MSP Process",  Sequence "2" (or wherever you want it to appear), Type "Iframe", and finally, paste the URL that you copied from the integration page, and hit Save.

For each ticket type that you would like for the MSP Process functionality to appear as a Custom Tab, you have to follow the following process:

Under the Halo Configuration-> Ticket -> Ticket Types, choose the ticket type that you would like to configure. Incident in this example.

Edit the Ticket Type, in this case, Incident, under the item Custom Tabs, make sure the box "All all Custom Tabs" is turned on. Save the configuration.


At this point, please contact your MSP Process account manager or onboarding specialist. You will be required to put the Resource Server, Client ID and Secret into the MSP Process application please have this data ready for the onboarding session.

Once the previous step is completed,  you will have access to the MSP Process custom tab when you access a ticket (on an Incident ticket in this case) on your HaloPSA!