Syncing Contacts with Microsoft 365


The MSP Process platform can sync contacts from a variety of sources, including many common PSA platforms in the MSP market. Some MSPs don't use a supported PSA though - for example, they use an uncommon PSA, or they've built their own, homegrown solution. In other cases, Microsoft 365 is the "source of truth for a Contacts", and the PSA is downstream/synching contacts from Microsoft 365, so it makes sense to directly update those contacts in Microsoft 365, instead of in the PSA.

In those scenarios, MSPs can configure the MSP Process platform to directly sync Contacts with the end-user's Microsoft 365 contacts - allowing the MSP to leverage the End-user Verifcation, Secure Data Send, and Broadcast messaging features that are built into the platform.

Linking MSP Process with Microsoft 365

  1. Login to the MSP Process UI
  2. Navigate to the Integrations -> PSA Integrations menu
  3. Click the Add button
  4. Click on the Microsoft 365 option
  5. Specify a name for the integation, and click the Submit button
  6. Click on the Microsoft 365 card that is now listed on the PSA Integrations page
  7. Take note of the ID at the end of the URL in your web browser; you'll need it later on if you're configuring MSP Process to integrate with a CSP M365 tenant.

Configuring the M365 Integration on a Tenant-by-Tenant Basis

  1. MSP Process provides two way to link into your M365 tenants; either on a tenant-by-tenant basis, or - if you have a CSP M365 tenant, by leveraging GDAP relationships with your connected tenants. This section deals with the Tenant-by-Tenant option; the next section of this KB article will outline what do do in the CPS scenario.
  2. Click the Connect to Microsoft 365 button to link MSP Process to a Microsoft 365 tenant
  3. Follow the Microsoft UI flow to deploy the MSP Process app
  4. You're done! Repeat with any other Microsoft 365 tenants that you want to link to the MSP Process platform.


Configuring the Integration for a M365 Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Environment

NOTE: The GDAP Relationships you've established with your client's M365 tenants must have the Application administrator and User administrator roles assigned.

  1. Login to your Microsoft Azure portal (
  2. Navigate to App Registrations
  3. Add a new App Registration, and configure it as follows (note that the URL will change, depending on the ID of your M365 integration):
  4. Within the App Registration, go to Manage -> API Permissions, and assign the app the following permissions:
  5. Within the App Registration, navigate to Manage -> Certificates & Secrets, and add a new Client Secret. Copy that Client Secret, as you'll need it in just a moment
  6. In MSP Process, within the M365 integration that you created earlier, click the Connect to Microsoft 365 (GDAP) button
  7. In the pop-up window that appears, enter the required information:
    1. The Domain Name of your M365 CSP tenant (this is the Primary Domain that you'd see on the Home page, in Microsoft Entra)
    2. The Application ID of the app you just registered; this can be found on the Overview page of the App Registration
    3. The Client Secret from step #5
  8. Click Submit
  9. When prompted, enter your Microsoft credentials
  10. Once you're returned to the MSP Process UI, you'll see your GDAP-linked tenants:
  11. Click the Sync Customer button, and then the Sync Users button

Interacting with Microsoft 365 Contacts in the MSP Process UI

Once you've integrated MSP Process with one or more Microsoft 365 tenants, you can view those Contacts from the Contacts menu:

From the Contacts page, you can view the Mobile Number and E-mail address of each contact. From the Actions column, you can open the MSP Process Pod, which will allow you to perform End-user Verification, securely send your customers data, and respond to Technician Verification requests.