The configuration is under Teams -> Live Chats. You create a chat profile and then there is a copy option to copy the configuration.

MSP Process (direct link inside app to Live Chat Configurations)

Once you get to this page you can Create a Configuration by clicking Create Configuration: 

Then fill out the pop up box with the info: 

Give your bot a configuration name (MSP Process Bot),

Select your PSA configuration. 

Give your bot a Widget Title (this name will be shown at the top of your chat window ie Your Company Name Chat Bot)

Leave Chat Sequences blank unless you have created a chat sequence. If you have you can select it here. If not, you can always add one and select it later. 

Put in your greeting message that will welcome users to your chat when they click it. 

Select Responsible Admins (The admins responsible for receiving Chats and responding). 

Choose an Accent Color for your website

Decide if you'd like to allow Website visitors to re-open a previous chat or not.

Then click Submit. 

Once you submit the chat you can go to Chat Sequences and add any sequences you'd like. 

Then you can go back to edit the Chat Configuration and add those to it as well as a logo/widget icon from your company. 

Then just click on the Copy URL button next to your newly added Chat and add this to the pages on your website you would like to the chat to appear: 

Once you've added it to your website you can then go to Live Chats button, Select your Live chat profile and see any incoming live chats on this screen as shown below: 

Click on the Eye next to any chat to view the chat and respond: 


To Turn on notifications when a user initiates a chat Click the profile icon to the top right, then turn on email and/or phone options to be contacted via email or SMS when a user initiates a chat. 



Live chats can be seen from the mobile MSP Process Tech App: 


From the MSP Process Portal you can also see incoming notifications about chat requests and manage all chats here as well: 


If you wish to turn a live chat into a ticket you can do so from this screen after clicking the Eye icon next to the chat. 



You can then see the options to select from quick ticketing or manually select the summary and board/status info.