ConnectWise PSA Setup

NOTE: Before completing the steps in this KB article, please setup a Security Role in ConnectWise that has the permissions outlined in this KB article.

Login to ConnectWise as an Admin and select System -> Members -> API Members as shown below: 

Click on + as shown below: 

Fill out all required fields - including specifying the Role as the one you created earlier - and click the Save button.

Click on API Keys and then click on the + sign to add a new key: 

Give it a description and click Save: 

The keys will disappear after you click save and close so copy both now to a document or directly into MSP Process before you save and close in ConnectWise. 


Now login to MSP Process and click on Integrations and click Integrations -> PSA Integrations. Click + to Add CRM and select ConnectWise. 

Select ConnectWise

Enter your PSA Connection Details: 

The next screen will have you select all your ticket settings. You will need to click Validation after selection and then submit. All fields I show below are required. The other fields are optional.