Customize Opt In Templates

You can customize your Opt In Templates when sending them to clients. 

Do NOT remove the $url or any formating as it pertains to the url. Please only change the wording as removing the URL will remove the link the user will receive. 

SMS Template: is the Opt In Template language that is sent to the user via SMS if you choose to send an Opt In form to a mobile/cell number. 

PSA Ticket Note Template: This is the note logged to the PSA when an Opt In form is sent to the user. 

Email Subject Template: This is the subject of the Opt In Email. 

Email Header Template: This a header template if you would like to use a header at the top of the Email. 

Email Body Template: This is the body of the email and you can use HTML as well to design it. 



Be sure to add your logo to your tenant and turn it on for Email as shown below: 

Go to Portal Settings -> Settings to verify it is setup properly.