Setup ConnectWise Schedule Notification

This support article will help you setup Schedule Notifications for ConnectWise Manage using our Automation Bots. 

Go to Data Sources -> App Bots

Click on Create at the top right corner as shown below: 



Click Enable and Select Process Identity and Non-Idenity fields as shown below:

Give it a name and select ConnectWise Scheduled Entry Observer

Click Integration and select ConnectWise and it will fill in all the integration fields. 

Then choose dataLastDays field and set it to a minimum of 3 days but we recommend 7 days. This will sync up scheduled data from the last 7 days so the system has a baseline for existing scheduled entries.

Click Submit. 


Once this is submitted the system will create a Data View for this App Bot. You can review the data by clicking Data and selecting the view. 

You can then setup notification rules to target this data:

Ex: When you want to send out a notification on a new scheduled entry for a tech, when an appointment is coming up or past due. 

Ex 2: Notify clients based on technician being scheduled on their ticket. 


Below is a sample notification where we are sending the tech a reminder notification 45 minutes before the call is due. Notice the last option should be turned on to skip the initial notification (ie when the resource was first scheduled). This prevents duplication on the notiifcations. 

If we did not use the repeat notification, then the system would just sent notifications when resources are scheduled on a ticket.