Secure Data Send Settings
To configure the default settings for the Secure Data Send feature, login to the main MSP Process UI (, and navigate to the Portal Settings -> Secure Data Settings page.
The Secure Data Settings page allows you to configure how sending both text and files will behave. You can also choose to lock down these settings, so they can't be modified by your Technicians.
Disable technician ability to change link, logs and file settings on secure data page - This locks the settings that a technician sees when sending a customer data or text.
Enable File Sending - This enables the ability to securely send files to your customers. By default, it's enabled.
Single Use Link - This makes it so that the end-user can only access the text/data once.
Time to live for secure text send links - When sending text, this controls how long the link will be active.
Save Logs to Ticket/Contact - This will save the actions of the tech and the user regarding the link. This includes when the tech sent it, and when the user opened it.
Save logs to internal note - This will save logs of all actions to the internal note on your PSA instead of public discussion note section.
Save data to internal note - Whatever password or text is sent to the user would be logged as an internal note. By default this option is disabled.
File save expiration period - Controls how long a file will be available. Default is 1 day.
File save location - Controls which region the file will be stored. By default this will be in the same country that was specified for your tenant with MSP Process. There is storage available in the following regions:
- One in Canada Central (located in Toronto)
- Another in Central US (located in Iowa)
- Another in Europe (located in Frankfurt, Germany)
- Another in Australia East (based in Sydney)
- And one in UK South (based in London)
Page Header Text - This is the header displayed to the user above the link when they receive the message and click the link.
Message on Reveal Secure Data - This is a message is revealed once the user shows the data from the link.
SMS Template - Messaging that is sent with the SMS link to the user. You can put text before and/or after the link. Do note remove the ${link} as this will break the functionality.
Email Template - Same as above, you can add text before and/or after the link.