Bulk Opt In Forms

They serve two purposes for MSPs. You can allow your users to opt in to receive SMS messaging prior to you sending them for support.

The system will also allow them to update their phone number if it is not the correct number for SMS. 

Before you begin we recommend setting up your company logo if you haven't already: 

Update your Company Logo (mspprocess.com)


Go to Ticketing -> PSA Contacts

On this screen you can set your Opt in template that shows the messaging that will be sent to your users on the email: 


Here is a sample of what one might look like: 


Filter by name, company or phone numbers. Then select the users you'd like to email the Opt In form and select Opt In as shown below: 



A review screen will come up that shows you any issues such as an incorrect format of the existing phone number. To receive SMS each contact needs to have the Country Code such as +1 in front of the number for US. We generally recommend emailing the Opt In forms but you can also choose to send via SMS as well as an option or mix and match depending on the company/user. 

Click submit once you are ready to email out the forms. Emails will be sent to everyone in the list and they will have the opportunity to update their contact number from the link in the email. 

The system will show if there are any errors (incorrect email/phone number etc): 

Here is a sample email received and how it looks if a user opens/clicks on their mobile phone as well: